Tag:Water Law

Sherman & Howard, DGS Add Attorneys, Brownstein Receives Inaugural Community Award

This week, local firms announced new hires, FisherBroyles celebrated its 20th anniversary and more.

Supreme Court to Hear Water Rights, Sovereign Immunity and Insurance Cases

The Colorado Supreme Court will return to remote proceedings on Tuesday for its first oral arguments of 2022.

Water’s Inspired Spirit: Remembering Former Colorado Supreme Justice Gregory Hobbs Jr.

Former Colorado Supreme Justice Gregory Hobbs Jr., recognized a river’s collective influence and its powerful stream for connecting current generations of people with a historic and indigenous lesson: to safeguard one of Mother Nature’s most precious resources, water.

Part 2: Charles Wilkinson, Beloved Longtime CU Law Professor, Marks 50 Years as Leading “Law of the West” Practitioner, Scholar and Teacher

Part 2: Charles Wilkinson, a University of Colorado Law School faculty member since 1987, celebrates 50 years as a leading practitioner, scholar and teacher of federal Indian law, natural resources law, and water law in 2021.

‘Coroner’ Coming for Thousands of Colorado Water Rights on July 1

On July 1, the year-long objection period for water right abandonment will close for thousands of Colorado water rights.

9th Circuit Rebukes U.S. on Native Interests in Colorado River Rights

A 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling from last month may boost Native American negotiating clout as the Colorado River's bordering states ponder how to address impacts of drought in the region.

Gross Reservoir Expansion Proposal Presents Water Demand, Environmental Concerns

“In the West, when you touch water, you touch everything.” Legend has it that Wayne Aspinall, the congressman who represented Colorado’s Western Slope during...

Water Law: Not So Niche After All

You don’t have to look any further than a Colorado Supreme Court oral argument schedule to get an idea of how complex water law...