Tag:U.S. Supreme Court

Supreme Court Overrules Colorado’s Standard for Determining ‘True Threat’ Mens Rea

The U.S. Supreme Court found a reckless standard should be used to determine mens rea in true threat determinations.

U.S. Supreme Court Keeps Indian Child Welfare Act in Place

A seven-justice majority found the 1978 federal law doesn’t overstep Congressional power or illegally commandeer state resources.

Suit Hopes to Overturn Colorado Law Against ‘Sidewalk Counseling’ Outside Abortion Clinics

The lawsuit hopes to overturn a 2000 U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the same Colorado law it is challenging.

U.S. Supreme Court Finds State Tort Claim Not Blocked by NLRA

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled NLRA doesn’t bar a concrete company’s lawsuit for damages incurred during a union walk off.

Colorado Officials React to Supreme Court Narrowing of EPA Wetland Jurisdiction

Colorado officials have published statements following the U.S. Supreme Court narrowing the definition of wetlands under the Clean Water Act.

Supreme Court Keeps Section 230 Precedent Protections Intact

The U.S. Supreme Court Thursday declined to overturn precedent around Section 230 protections for internet platforms.

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Appeal Over Social Media Blocking by Government Officials

The court will consider if and when a public official’s social media is state action subject to First Amendment scrutiny.

Supreme Court Dives Into Mens Rea, Online Context in Colorado Appeal on ‘True Threats’

At oral argument, the nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court pressed attorneys on how to define true threats from a Colorado appeal.