Tenth Circuit Breathes Life Into TABOR Suit

The long-running legal challenge to the Taxpayer Bill of Rights will persist as a result of an appellate ruling last week. Plaintiffs seeking to undo...

Business Fee Fight Heads to High Court

The Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday heard oral arguments on a familiar question: Is it a fee or a tax?  In 2014, the National Federation...

Colorado Supreme Court Issues Philosophically Divided Decision on TABOR Initiative

A ballot measure to repeal Colorado’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights passed Supreme Court scrutiny in a decision released last Monday. The ballot initiative to...

2019 Colorado Legislative Wrap-Up of Heated Session

Colorado’s 2019 legislative session ended May 3. Elections have consequences and this session was the first since 2014 that Democrats controlled both chambers of...

Colorado Poised for Its Piece of Sports Betting With House Bill 1327

Since a U.S. Supreme Court decision from last May struck down a federal ban on sports gambling, dozens of states have rushed to introduce...

Will the 2019 Legislative Session Offer Relief to the Gallagher Squeeze?

Many Colorado local governments that are primarily dependent upon property tax revenues continue to be impacted by provisions of a 1982 amendment to the...

Q&A: A conversation with Meyer Law

For the past six years, Julie Gonzales has worked as the policy director at the Meyer Law Office, a Denver-based immigration and criminal law...

Cause of Action Institute Joins Colorado TABOR Case as Legal Counsel

Washington, D.C.-based watch-dog organization has jumped into an ongoing Colorado lawsuit filed to challenge hospital provider charges under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, along...