Tag:supreme court

Asian American Law School Numbers Decrease, Fastest Growing a Decade Ago

Diversity changes at law schools since the Great Recession are showing signs of change. Asian Americans, who were for a time the fastest growing...

CU Law Professor Discusses ‘Must Know’ Cases for Business Lawyers

On May 13, the University of Colorado Law School hosted a webinar titled “Cases Every Business Lawyer Should Know,” featuring Mark Loewenstein, associate dean...

Hon. Judge Monroe McKay of the 10th Circuit Passes Away

The Honorable Judge Monroe McKay of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals passed away peacefully of natural causes at the home of his daughter...

‘Blurred Lines’ and Subtle Issues in Music Copyright Law

Led Zeppelin on March 9 won a case centered around whether pieces of the rock classic “Stairway to Heaven” were stolen from relatively unknown...

CU Law School Announces Alumni Award Recipients

CU Law School announced its 2020 Alumni Award recipients, to be recognized March 12. The award recipients are: Justice Nathan Coats, William Lee Knous Award. Colorado...

EEOC’s Pay Data Reporting Deadline Approaches

After a contentious rulemaking process, an administration change and finally a federal court order, it is now the new normal for many employers to...

Still Expanding His Portfolio

Rich Baer’s varied legal experience has equipped him to take on all manner of roles and duties. And organizations seem content to keep giving...

One Year In

In his first year on the Supreme Court, Justice Carlos Samour stood out as one of the most active writers as well as one...