Tag:Shook Hardy & Bacon

Art Law, a Unique Practice at the Intersection of Law and Creativity

Channah Norman of Shook, Hardy & Bacon spoke with Law Week about what led her into her art law practice and what makes the practice unique.

Art Law CLE by ACC Colorado, Shook Covers AI for Corporate Counsel, Features Art Law Crash Course

On Oct. 16, Channah Norman of Shook, Hardy & Bacon presented a CLE on art law to a crowded room of Colorado corporate counsel.

Colorado Law Firms Announce 2024 Chambers USA Rankings

aw Week got announcements from more than 15 firms that over 155 local attorneys were included in the Chambers USA rankings this year.

Business Litigation ‘Super Lawyers’ Clock AI, Hefty Digital Discovery, Noncompetes, Cybersecurity as Recent Practice Area Trends

Business litigators who told Law Week they were recognized by Super Lawyers this year weighed in on the current challenges of the practice area and what they think the future will hold for local businesses.

Business Litigators Make Waves on Super Lawyers List

The Thomson Reuters Super Lawyers list has been released for 2023, with Colorado attorneys making the cut including numerous business litigators.

Animal Law Firm Expands Staff, New Uniform Rules for Livestreaming Proceedings

The Animal Law firm added two associates, Colorado Chief Justice Brian Boatright set rules for livestreaming criminal proceedings and more.

ACC Connects In-House Attorneys via Virtual Learning, Networking Events

While COVID has put the kibosh on most in-person gatherings this year, it hasn’t kept the Colorado chapter of the Association for Corporate Counsel...

Colorado Supreme Court Emphasizes Foreseeability in Proximate Cause Analysis

In a case that “truly tests the boundaries of the proximate cause inquiry,” the Colorado Supreme Court recently expounded on — and arguably altered...