Tag:Securities and Exchange Commission

Crowdfunding for Companies

In a Colorado Law Talks event, hosted by Akerman on Sept. 11, University of Colorado Law School Professor Andrew Schwartz presented his research on...

Walmart Settles Long-Running FCPA Allegations

The world’s largest retailer can finally close the book on its closely-watched Foreign Corrupt Practices Act case. Walmart will pay $282 million to settle allegations...

Supreme Court: Messengers of False Statements Still Liable for Securities Fraud

When the Securities and Exchange Commission or private investors go after corporate figures for making false statements to investors, the disseminators of those statements...

Granular Statute Language Could Have Broad Implications for Patent Seekers

The U.S. Supreme Court had its plate full of noteworthy cases for last week’s oral arguments. Among the most newsmaking were a potential re-interpretation...

SEC Stats Paint Picture of Priorities, Impediments

In the Securities and Exchange Commission’s latest collection of statistics, companies and their counsel can see an agency trying to do more with less. On...

Path Forward Remains Uncertain for SEC’s ALJ Cases

The securities world’s collective eyes were on the Supreme Court and whether it would find the Securities and Exchange Commission’s administrative law judge system...

Department of Justice to Expand Self-Disclosure Program

The U.S. Department of Justice favors its cooperation program for foreign bribery cases enough that it wants to apply it to other white-collar criminal...

SEC ‘Laser-Focused’ on Cybersecurity Issues

As data security breaches and privacy protection become a greater financial concern for companies, so do they for those companies’ investors. The Securities and...