Tag:search warrants

Court Opinions: Appeals Court Holds Right to Privacy Includes Cellphone PIN Code

The appeals court found that the police violated the Fourth Amendment when conducting a phone search with an illegally obtained cellphone PIN code.

Court Opinions: 10th Circuit Finds No Error in Denver Police’s Search of Storage Unit

The 10th Circuit ruled that the plaintiff failed to establish a legitimate expectation of privacy for the storage unit.

Court Opinion: Appeals Court Finds Officer’s Reentry onto Property Without Warrant Unconstitutional

The appeals court found that a responding officer’s reentry onto the property without a warrant after a “knock and talk” was unconstitutional.

Colorado Attorneys Examine the Implications of Recent Appellate Court Decisions

Local attorneys told Law Week about the impact some of the state’s recent appellate decisions will have on the legal landscape in Colorado.

Open Meetings Law Violation Remedies, State Agency Attorney Hourly Rate Bills Introduced

After a slight slump in bill activity, state lawmakers rushed to introduce a flurry of bills this past week.