Tag:Legal Education

WTO and Law School Yes We Can! Start Scholarship for Bar Exam Preparation

Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell and Law School Yes We Can! launched the WTO Impact Scholarship to fund bar exam preparation.

Tyson & Mendes Name Ashley Paige Fetyko Head of Communications

Tyson & Mendes named Denver and San Diego partner Ashley Paige Fetyko as the firm’s new head of communications.

IAALS, LSAC Launch Foundations 2.0, Addressing a Post-COVID Legal Profession Undergoing Fundamental Shifts

In a major update to its 2014 Foundations for Practice project, IAALS partnered with LSAC on Foundations 2.0.

Colorado Judicial Institute Hosts 21st Annual Gala Oct. 26

The Colorado Judicial Institute hosted its annual gala to celebrate Colorado's judicial system and this year’s Judicial Excellence Award honorees.

Colorado Attorneys for the Arts Work to Protect and Assist Colorado’s Creative Industries

For creatives, artists and musicians, organizations like CAFTA are vital to access legal educational materials and resources.

Proposed Rule on Foreign-Educated Attorneys Gets Second Hearing as Justices Consider Revisions

The Colorado Supreme Court is considering a proposed rule that would make it easier for foreign-educated attorneys to practice in Colorado.

Law School Debt Delays Life Milestones, According to Survey

A new survey reveals law school debt has caused many borrowers to delay life milestones and detour away from careers in public service.

CU Law’s Spencer Gives Insights on History of Voting Rights in U.S., Part Two

Law Week talked to Doug Spencer about the Voting Rights Act in a two-part discussion on a recent Supreme Court ruling.