Tag:Justice Clarence Thomas

SCOTUS Upholds States’ Authority to Bind Presidential Elector Votes

The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld states’ ability to enforce requirements for presidential electors to vote for their state’s popular vote winner. It affirmed...

Supreme Court: Messengers of False Statements Still Liable for Securities Fraud

When the Securities and Exchange Commission or private investors go after corporate figures for making false statements to investors, the disseminators of those statements...

Overseas Lost Profits Fair Game for Patent Damages — in Limited Cases

The U.S. Supreme Court had a chance last month to vastly broaden the amount of damages that global companies could recover for sales that...

Justice Kennedy Retires; Confirmation Frenzy Ensues

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy punctuated an already rousing end to the court’s session last week — which included a 5-4 decision upholding President...