Tag:intellectual property

Up & Coming Lawyers 2022: Leland Black

2022 Up & Coming Lawyer Leland Black uses her background in science in her work as a patent attorney for Kilpatrick Townsend.

New Hires at Local Firms, Court Vacancies Across the State

This week, local firms announced new hires and leadership changes, plus upcoming court vacancies across the state and more.

The State of the Art of Artificial Intelligence in the Practice of Law: an Evidence-based Discussion

Silicon Flatirons presented the “State of the Art of Artificial Intelligence in the Practice of Law,” exploring AI use in the law.

Five Questions with Emily Wasserman, DGS Associate and Intellectual Property Attorney

This week, we heard from Emily Wasserman, associate and intellectual property attorney at Davis Graham & Stubbs.

Five Questions with Mike Wagner, Lewis Roca Partner and Patent Lawyer

This week, we heard from Mike Wagner, partner and patent lawyer at Lewis Roca focusing on all areas of intellectual property.

Copyright, Contract Law and Intellectual Property Combine in ‘Publishing Law’ Niche Practice Area

Lawyers are often called upon to iron out details in contracts, copyright and intellectual property for books, and sometimes are needed again to negotiate adaptations as the practice continually expands.

Federal Appeals Court Says Famed Artist Warhol Infringed Photographer’s Copyright in Image of Pop Star Prince

Vanity Fair ran the Warhol image created based on Goldsmith’s photo in its Nov. 1984 edition. The magazine credited Goldsmith for the source photograph by including the statement “source photograph © 1984 by Lynn Goldsmith/LGI,” according to a federal district court opinion.

The Legal Work Behind Video Games

According to legal experts, video game law can be challenging as many practice areas overlap and blend together in unusual ways.