Tag:generative ai

You Were Warned: Colorado Court of Appeals Outlines Potential Sanctions for Misuse of Generative AI

Spencer Fane partner Jacob Hollars explains a recent appellate decision that paved the way for potential court sanctions for the misuse of AI in drafting court documents.

ABA Warns Attorneys About AI Disclosures in New Ethics Opinion

The ABA’s ethics committee released Opinion 512 focused on generative artificial intelligence tools for attorneys and firms.

Almost Half of Employers Use AI According to Littler Study, but Legal Risks Abound

The use of artificial intelligence continues to increase, but governments in Colorado and around the world are looking at stricter regulations on the technology.

Three Bills in Colorado Look to Put Some Guardrails on Artificial Intelligence

Three bills aim to put some regulations on artificial intelligence in place, but two face an uncertain future as the legislature nears its end date.