Tag:general counsel

Research Finds Companies Where CLO is Also Corporate Secretary Experience Fewer Litigation, Regulatory Incidents

A winning submission for ACC’s Carl Liggio Memorial Paper Competition found companies where the CLO is also corporate secretary have fewer legal risk incidents.

2022 Top Women: Sherin Sakr

One of Law Week’s 2022 Top Women, Sherin Sakr shares her leadership philosophy and details her impressive legal career thus far.

Salaries Up Since Pre-Pandemic but Attorneys Still Eyeing New Opportunities

For the first time in three years, we pull back the curtain on in-house pay and job satisfaction with our Corporate Counsel Salary Survey.

Survey Shows Growth in Corporate Counsel Pay, but ‘Ceiling Remains Hard to Reach’

A recent Above the Law survey shows corporate counsel compensation has risen overall, but few in-house attorneys break $400,000 in base pay.

CLI’s General Counsel Roundtable Offers Insight to EDI, Hiring, Post-COVID Legal World

This year’s general counsel roundtable from the Center for Legal Inclusiveness shared insights on the future of legal leadership post-COVID.

Survey Says Smaller Companies Less Prepared to Deal with New Risks

Chief legal officers at smaller companies are less confident about the ability to deal with emerging risks according to a recent survey.

Unprecedented Ouster at NLRB a Sign of Things to Come

It has been a dramatic few weeks at the National Labor Relations Board. On his first day in office, President Joe Biden fired Trump-appointed...