Tag:First Amendment

Ballard Spahr Attorneys Discuss Legal Risks of Public Communications and Publishing

The legitimacy of the media has been a constant topic in the spotlight as President Donald Trump wages near-daily offensives on outlets that criticize...

Judge Blocks Posting of 3D Gun Data; Info Released Via Email

The latest judicial decision in a case involving blueprints to make plastic guns using a 3D printer has added another layer to an already...

Media Lawyer Will Petition SCOTUS to Hear Records Case

Longtime Colorado media lawyer Steve Zansberg, who has represented national news organizations in cases connected to the Aurora theater shooting, the Oklahoma City bombing...

3D-Printed Gun Debate Heads Back to Court

This week, a district court judge in the Western District of Washington in Seattle will once again determine the fate of a set of...

When Location Complicates Free Speech

The balance of free speech rights with public safety has risen to the top of consciousness recently in the wake of last summer’s Unite...

Matches Made and in the Making

U.S. law firms are currently experiencing a slowdown in some respects. But one thing that’s picking up speed in the legal market is the...

Oral Arguments Heard in Fort Collins Topless Ban Case

A lawsuit challenging the City of Fort Collins’ topless ban has reached the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Brittiany Hoagland, founder of the Fort...