Tag:federal courts

U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado Nominee Announced, Firm and Foundation Updates at Holland & Hart

Holland & Hart appointed four women attorneys to critical leadership roles, finalists move forward in the 13th JD, Cole Finegan nominated for U.S. Attorney and Kara Veitch was appointed Chief Legal Counsel to the Governor.

Supreme Court Declines to Block Texas Heartbeat Act in Blow to Abortion Access

The Supreme Court, in a narrow, late-night vote on Wednesday, rejected a request to block Texas’ restrictive new abortion law.

Judicial Conference of the U.S. Seeks Congressional OK for Security Spending

The federal judiciary is urging Congress to include funds for courthouse security and the protection for the next fiscal year.

Magistrate Judge Neureiter Sanctions Colorado Lawyers for Frivolous Election Challenge

Two Colorado lawyers sanctioned for their involvement in lawsuits regarding the 2020 Presidential Election

Appellate Roundup: Federal Appeals Courts Decisions Address Abortion, Women’s Hockey Team’s Demise, U.S. Citizen Treatment by Iran

Another round of decisions made by Federal Appeals Courts affect abortion, discrimination and how a U.S. citizen was treated by in Iran.

Appellate Roundup: Recent Decisions by Federal Appeals Courts Address Abortion, Public Nudity, State Ban on Cooperation with U.S. Immigration Authorities

This roundup of some significant recent decisions from appeals courts around the nation highlights opinions on issues that may have national importance.

Lee Confirmed to 2nd Circuit as Fourth Biden Appeals Court Judge

The nomination of Eunice Lee to the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was approved by the Senate on a 50-47 vote.

Congress Ponders Whether to Add More U.S. District Judges as Caseloads Rise

With rising cases, Congressional leaders debate adding new District Judges to courtrooms around the country.