Tag:False Claims Act

Court Opinions: A Split US Supreme Court Rules Some Section 1983 Claims Can’t be Denied on Failure-To-Exhaust Grounds

The high court ruled that for Section 1983 claims challenging delays in the administrative process, state courts can’t deny those claims on failure-to-exhaust grounds.

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Cases Involving False Claims Act

The U.S. Supreme Court Jan. 13 agreed to hear consolidated cases involving the False Claims Act coming out of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Instec Agrees to Pay $625,000 for Alleged False Claims Act Violations

Instec Inc. and Instec’s owner and president agreed to pay $625K to resolve allegations they violated the False Claims Act.

Physical Therapy Company to Pay $400,000 for False Claims Act Violation Allegations

A physical therapy company in Colorado Springs agreed to pay $400,000 to settle allegations it falsely billed federal healthcare programs for aquatic therapy services in violation of the False Claims Act.

Denver Public Schools Pays Over $2.1 Million to Settle Allegations it Misused AmeriCorps Funds

The U.S. Attorney’s Office announced DPS paid more than $2 million to resolve a civil False Claims Act investigation into misuse of AmeriCorps funds.

Delta Airlines to Pay $10.5 Million to Settle False Claims Act Allegations

The DOJ announced Delta Airlines will pay $10.5 million to settle False Claims Act allegations for falsely reporting mail delivery times.

Colorado Substance Abuse Treatment Clinic and Owner Agree to Settle False Claims Act Allegations

Springbok Health Inc. and Mark Jankelow, Springbok’s owner and CEO, have settled to resolve allegations they violated the False Claims Act.

Lawmakers Hear Testimony on Colorado False Claims Act from AG, Business Groups

AG Phil Weiser and business community representatives testified about the proposed Colorado False Claims Act at the state capitol on Tuesday.