Tag:Establishment Clause

10th Circuit Rules Against CU Anschutz COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

The 10th Circuit overturned the district court’s denial of a preliminary injunction for students and employees sanctioned by the university.

Supreme Court Justices Rebuff ‘Offended Observer’ Standing

Two U.S. Supreme Court justices criticized a Florida lawsuit brought on “offended observer” standing for an establishment clause challenge.

CU Law School Panel Reflects on SCOTUS Term

A panel reflected on the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2021 term and its impacts on the law, appellate practice and society.

Big Decisions: Rise of the Conservative Majority on the Supreme Court

During the United States Supreme Court’s recently concluded term, the nation saw major changes on keystone issues such as reproductive rights, environmental regulation, First Amendment rights, guns and more.

Colorado’s Bill for Sexuality Education Passed. But What if Educators Raise Objections to It?

One of the more controversial bills from this year’s state legislative session got introduced on the first day of the session and was passed...

Colorado’s Bill for Sexuality Education Passed. But What if Educators Raise Objections to it?

One of the more controversial bills from this year’s state legislative session got introduced on the first day of the legislative session, and passed...

Colorado’s Bill for Sexuality Education Passed. But What if Educators Raise Objections to it?

One of the more controversial bills from this year’s state legislative session got introduced on the first day of the legislative session, and passed...

Colorado’s Bill for Sexuality Education Passed. But What if Educators Raise Objections to it?

One of the more controversial bills from this year’s state legislative session got introduced on the first day of the legislative session, and passed...