Tag:Department of Justice

Not Settling for Settlement

As soon as the case was filed in 2013, Davis Graham & Stubbs partner Jon Rauchway started thinking about settlement. Rauchway, tasked with defending...

Comings and Goings in Robes

The past year brought great change to the lineup of judges on Colorado’s three appellate courts.  Two new 10th Circuit judges (one based in...

How the Trump Administration Effects Change in Immigration Without a Change in the Law

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is implementing numerous strategies, under the color of law, that have devastating effects on the due process rights of one...

Federal Legal Immigration Program Sees Funding Cuts

The Department of Justice announced to the Vera Institute of Justice it will halt funding to the Legal Orientation Program at the end of...

Legislation Seeks to Ease Gender Marker Changes

After passing in the Colorado House of Representatives last week, legislation to change Colorado’s birth certificate gender-designation-change process is making its fourth appearance in...

Denver Hosts Global Legal ‘Hackathon’

Denver was one of 11 cities in the U.S. and 40 from around the world to host a Global Legal Hackathon Feb. 23-25. The...

Speaking of the Government

Helen Norton believes speech by the government is fundamentally different from when anyone else speaks. The government has the advantage of both power and...

Smoke and Mirrors

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions sparked uncertainty in the marijuana industry Jan. 4 when he rescinded the Cole Memo, a signature directive left from...