Tag:Department of Homeland Security

E-Verify+ Coming Soon But Employers May Hesitate to Use the New System

While the new E-Verify+ streamlines the employment verification process, the system may not be a good fit for all employers.

Court Opinion: 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Opinion for Feb. 28

The 10th Circuit affirmed a ruling in a case involving allegations against President Joe Biden, the U.S. Army and the Department of Homeland Security.

Want to Help in Pro Bono Immigration Cases? Immigrant Experts Offer Guidance in Upcoming CLE

The Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network and other immigration law experts will offer a CLE training on pro bono immigration work.

Despite DACA Reinstatement, Future Isn’t Certain

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program will be reinstated, undoing changes and efforts by the Trump administration to remove the program, due to...

10th Circuit Says Colorado OARC Can Discipline Out-of-Staters

In a recent opinion, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals held that an attorney was still subject to Colorado’s practice requirements — and disciplinary action...

New H-1B Rules Create ‘Whiplash’ Effect for Employers

The Department of Labor and Department of Homeland Security on Oct. 6 released new rules that will make it more difficult and expensive to...

With New DHS Memo DACA Downsized, Multiple Applications Rejected Immediately

The Department of Homeland Security announced July 28 it is making significant changes to how it handles DACA applications. The department said it will reject...

Pandemic Postpones SCOTUS Finale

The coronavirus pandemic has shaken up the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2019-2020 session, delaying hearings and forcing the court to allow livestreaming of oral arguments...