Tag:Denver Police Department

1994 Denver Cold Case Gets 2021 Arrest

The Denver DA in June announced it charged Steven Cumberbatch with the murder of Rita Desjardine, a breakthrough on a 1994 cold case.

California Man Charged with Assault and Interference with a Flight Crew

Brian Hsu was federally charged after allegedly attacking a flight attendant aboard cross-county American Airlines flight 976, which forced the plane to be diverted to Denver last week.

California Man Charged with Assault and Interference with a Flight Crew

The DOJ charged 20-year-old Brian Hsu of Irvine, California, with interference with a flight crew and assault.

2020 Arrest Made for ‘Cop Shooter’ and Two-time Prison Escapee Luis Archuleta

Luis Archleta, also known as Larry Pusateri and Ramon Montoya, was detained one year ago for escaping from a Colorado prison in 1974.

Bonny Baker’s 2021 Cold Case Arrest Five Months Shy of 23rd Anniversary

Denver Police made another cold case arrest in January, charging Crespin Nene-Perez for the murder of Bonny Baker in June 1998.

CLI Event Marks Anniversary of George Floyd Murder

CLI held a talk to mark the anniversary of the murder of George Floyd and reflect on the Black Lives Matter movement.

Denver Cold Cases See Some Progress but Overall Trends Concern Some Experts

Roughly 60% of cold cases in Denver include nonwhite victims, a head-scratching statistic in a city where less than 20% are people of color.

10th Circuit Breaks From Other Circuits on Qualified Immunity

A change to state law last year removed qualified immunity as a possible defense in civil cases brought against police officers. However, the 10th...