
How the COVID-19 Crisis is Complicating Colorado Divorce and Custody Issues

With stay-at-home orders to navigate and many professionals working from home, it is understandable that tensions in households may be rising.  For couples with relationship...

Surrogacy Bill Sidelined from COVID Could Have Created Novel Statute

Among the many bills killed this session due to the sudden onset of COVID-19 was House Bill 1316, which would have created the Colorado...

For Start Ups and Private Equity Attorneys: Cautious Optimism for Future

COVID-19 might have chilled some business deals and investments, but corporate attorneys are cautiously optimistic about the future for both startups and private equity...

ICE Begins Coronavirus Testing at Aurora Detention Center

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced Tuesday that “voluntary COVID-19 testing” began at the Aurora Contract Detention Facility. The tests are available for “all...

Business Interruption Insurance for COVID-Related and Riot-Related Claims

Thousands of Colorado businesses, large and small, have suffered significant, if not crippling losses of income arising out of the effects of the COVID-19...

Intellectual Property Protection Post-Pandemic: ‘The Readiness Is All’

One thing has become clear as we emerge from the shutdown: companies, especially technology companies and startups, must be nimble and ready to adapt...