
Rural Areas Face Large Immigration Removal Proceedings, Churches Offer Support

While immigration related challenges and deportations exist across the country, Immigration Court records have shown that rural counties face higher rates of immigrant removal...

July Bar Examinees Question Bar Necessity, Face ‘Impossible Choice’

One of the biggest days of any attorney’s life is the day they take the bar exam. But after this year’s test was disrupted...

Race Betting and Sports Betting Different — Rules Go Back Decades

For decades, hooves of racehorses have been thundering around the bends of Colorado’s only legal horse racing track, Arapahoe Park. With a long legal...

For New Gaming Law, Bets Are On

The pandemic has thrown a wrench into a lot of best-laid plans. But one thing that managed to stay on schedule was Colorado’s sports...

Help Wanted: Lawyers Needed to Ward Off Eviction Wave

An eviction crisis is brewing in Colorado, and local organizations hope lawyers will volunteer to help tenants and small businesses weather the storm. Headlines have...

‘Not Too Late’ to Prepare for Colorado’s Equal Pay Law

With all the surprises 2020 has brought so far, it’s difficult for anyone to think ahead to next year. But while HR departments are...