
USDA Closes Additional Comment Period on Hemp Interim Final Rule

The end of the month could have signaled the beginning of a domestic hemp production program nationwide with the start of a new final...

Making Wellness a Law Firm Priority

As we hit the six-month mark of working from home, taking care of ourselves is more important than ever. COVID-19 caused unprecedented stress and...

For Wellness, Lawyers Look to Stay Light on Their Feet

In 2016, Polsinelli shareholders Colleen Faddick and Bruce Johnson attended Dancing with the Denver Stars, a charity event they had learned about from a...

Solo and Small Firms Have Options for Connection, Support and Camaraderie

In the months since the start of the pandemic, trials have been postponed, court operations halted, and in-person interactions have dropped to a minimum....

Personal Injury and Insurance

The legal world of personal injury and insurance law has experienced a shift over the past few months. With the onset of COVID-19, a...