The attorney also called a school district staff member a “despicable creature and a cancer to kids” in a follow up email, later telling OARC investigators “I like to call things what they are.”
Colorado’s presiding disciplinary judge disbarred the attorney for abandoning three vulnerable immigration clients and for later falsifying bank records ahead of a disciplinary investigation, according to the opinion.
The U.S. Supreme Court held that the VA’s determination that the evidence regarding a service-related disability claim is in “approximate balance” is a predominantly factual determination reviewed only for clear error.
A divided Supreme Court found an independent investigation by law firm Reed Smith and the attorney general’s discovery that the prosecutor knowingly elicited false testimony and failed to correct it was enough to overturn the conviction and death sentence of Richard Glossip for directing the 1997 murder of Barry Van Treese by Justin Sneed.
The Colorado Supreme Court overturned a split appellate decision that reinstated a group of CSU students’ unjust enrichment claims. It held that the claims for breach of contract and unjust enrichment were mutually exclusive in this case.