Tag:Court of Appeals

Election Brings Changes to DAs’ Offices

Election Day 2020 brought a blue tint to district attorney offices around the Front Range as the state’s voters chose Democrats in three judicial...

10th Circuit Revives TABOR Challenge

The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday granted en banc review of a case that could nullify the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights.  The case,...

Up and Coming Lawyers 2020: Annie Martinez

Annie Martínez calls her legal practice a “defense-minded practice.” Her solo firm, Bridge Legal Solutions, handles family, criminal and juvenile defense law, and often...

Cases of Note in U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court has begun hearing oral arguments scheduled for its October session using the same format used for May teleconference arguments, where...

10th Circuit Decides Water Rights Case 400 Years in the Making

In ruling on a 37-year-old case, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals examined over 200 years of law dealing with the sovereignty of three...

Colorado Supreme Court Considers Limits of Miranda Rights

Can a police officer ask a suspect about a weapon prior to reading him his rights?  The Colorado Supreme Court is considering the question in...

Qualified Immunity in the Spotlight at the 10th Circuit

The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments Tuesday in an inmate’s case that asserts treatment during time he spent in the county...

Supreme Court Weighs in on Mineral Rights Taxation Case

The Colorado Supreme Court on Sept. 14 ruled in a 4-3 decision that while all owners of surface property must assent to inclusion in...