Tag:Colorado Supreme Court

New Rule Lends Guidance on Flat Fees

Colorado lawyers might have a little more confidence in how they execute flat fee agreements now that the Colorado Supreme Court has officially weighed...

Court Opinions- Mar 18, 2019

In the Matter of Laurie Booras In this judicial disciplinary proceeding, the Colorado Supreme Court considered the exceptions of now-former Colorado Court of Appeals Judge...

Family Feuding Over Oil and Gas Company Control

Last month, a jury in Arapahoe County ruled in favor of the family of Denver oil tycoon Jack Grynberg in a fight over the...

IAALS Prepares for Leadership Transition

The Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System, located at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, is preparing for a...

Terence Ridley

Terence Ridley has had a busy practice lately in bad-faith insurance defense.  In 2018, two related opinions from the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals came...

Supreme Court: Missing Information Means no Water Right

In its sole opinion last week, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled in Dill v. Yamasaki Ring that a decreed water right lacks power if...

Three Prospective Jurors Walk Into A Courthouse

When is a juror not a juror? Also, does “a case” mean any case, or a specific one? For the Colorado Supreme Court, those...

10th Circuit Concludes Recreational Use Statute Case

After a second trip to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, a case blaming the federal government for a man’s traumatic brain injury reached...