Tag:Colorado Supreme Court

Supreme Court Rules State Constitution Requires Petition Signatures In-Person

The Colorado Supreme Court on Wednesday reversed the judgment of the Denver District Court in an appeal addressing whether the governor was authorized under...

July Bar Exam Slated for End of Month, COVID Permitting and With Restrictions

The Colorado Supreme Court still intends to proceed with the state bar exam, planned for July 28-29, but the situation is being monitored in...

Court Opinions- Jun 29, 2020

People v. Figueroa-Lemus Both the People and Eswin Figueroa-Lemus petitioned for review of the Court of Appeals’ judgment affirming the denial of Figueroa-Lemus’s Crim. P....

Colorado Supreme Court Emphasizes Foreseeability in Proximate Cause Analysis

In a case that “truly tests the boundaries of the proximate cause inquiry,” the Colorado Supreme Court recently expounded on — and arguably altered...

Supreme Court OK’s TABOR Repeal Initiative

Last year, a divided Colorado Supreme Court ruled that an initiative to repeal the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights didn’t violate the state’s “single subject”...

The Open Meetings Law, Life Insurance, a TABOR Repeal and Planned Parenthood in One Session

The state Supreme Court finishes its session on June 30, and decisions will also slow to a trickle until September. Most of the court’s...

Supreme Court Considers Common-Law Marriage Conundrum

The Colorado Supreme Court heard oral arguments June 24 in cases that raise questions about how to determine whether a same-sex couple is in...

Court Opinions- Jun 22, 2020

Manjarrez v. People Forty-five-year-old Richard Manjarrez hired his friends’ teenage daughter to clean his houseThe girl’s parents had consented to the arrangement because they considered...