Tag:Colorado Supreme Court

Colorado Supreme Court Returns for September Arguments

The Colorado Supreme Court will hear its first oral arguments of the fall session next week. Cases to be heard include several criminal matters and a case involving childhood medical bills and medical malpractice.

Detective’s Son Sentenced to Death in 1995 for Rape and Murder; Verdict Later Overturned for Improper Jury Conduct

Convicted murderer, Robert Harlan, was originally sentenced to death but the state Supreme Court overturned the sentence after reports of juror misconduct.

LLPS: Paraprofessionals in Family Law Working Toward Justice

The Colorado Supreme Court gave the go-ahead to create a system allowing non-attorney to practice family law as an access to justice measure.

Court Opinions: Presiding Disciplinary Judge Opinions for July 2021

In July 2021 the Colorado Supreme Court – Office of the Presiding Disciplinary Judge issued opinions in 13 attorney regulation cases.

Legal Lasso: Colorado Eliminates Juvie Court Fees for Those in Debt

Legal Lasso is Law Week’s morning roundup of legal headlines across the state. Each morning, we take stock of legal issues and happenings, so...

Legal Lasso: Outstanding Legal Professionals 2021

Legal Lasso is Law Week’s morning roundup of legal headlines across the state. Each morning, we take stock of legal issues and happenings, so...

Legal Lasso: Special Assistants Appointed in CDPHE Whistleblower Investigation

Legal Lasso is Law Week’s morning roundup of legal headlines across the state. Each morning, we take stock of legal issues and happenings, so...

July Bar Exam to Be Another Remote Administration

The upcoming July bar exam will be administered remotely, the second remote exam in the history of Colorado.