Tag:Colorado Revised Statutes

Court Opinions: Colorado Supreme Court Rules Juror Substitution Midway Through Criminal Trial Didn’t Warrant Reversal

The state Supreme Court also reviewed the appeals court’s decision in Clark v. People, finding an erroneous denial of a juror challenge for cause wasn’t structural because the trial court acted in good faith and the juror didn’t end up serving on the jury.

Court Opinion: 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Opinion for Feb. 13

The 10th Circuit affirmed a ruling in a case involving the Whittier Condominiums Homeowners Association in Boulder.

Court Opinions: Colorado Court of Appeals Opinion for Nov. 24

The Colorado Court of Appeals issued its opinion in Wesley v. Newland, a post-judgement legal fees joiner appeal.

Court Opinions- Dec 14, 2020

In the Matter of Ryan L. Kamada In June 2020, Now-former Judge Ryan Kamada pled guilty in U.S. District Court to obstructing the proceedings of...

Court Opinions – Dec 07, 2020

People v. Barnett Matthew Barnett was charged with attempt to influence a public servant and forgery. At trial, after the prosecution rested, Barnett moved for...

Supreme Court Rules State Constitution Requires Petition Signatures In-Person

The Colorado Supreme Court on Wednesday reversed the judgment of the Denver District Court in an appeal addressing whether the governor was authorized under...

State Supreme Court Reverses Judgment on ‘True Threat’ Twitter Case

The Colorado Supreme Court further defined the limits of free speech in social media in an opinion released June 1.  The majority opinion, penned by...

Judge Upholds Signature Collection Executive Order

In a order announced Wednesday evening, Denver District Court Judge Robert L. McGahey Jr. denied a request for a temporary restraining order and declaratory...