Tag:Colorado Judiciary

Whittled Down Bill Adding Judgeships in Colorado Advances to Final Legislative Step

A bipartisan bill adding 15 judgeships, down from an initially proposed 29, passed its second-to-last legislative step before the governor’s desk on March 12.

Legal Lowdown: Foley Hoag Adds One, Sirius XM Announces New GC, Reed Smith Opens Denver Office

In case you missed it this week: Foley Hoag added a tax partner, Sirius XM announced a Colorado attorney as its new general counsel and Reed Smith opened a Colorado office.

Legal Lowdown: Littler, Crisham & Holman, Ascent Add Attorneys, Denver County Court Judge Clarisse Gonzales Will Retire

In case you missed it this week: Three firms added attorneys, Lyons Gaddis promoted two attorneys to shareholder and Denver County Court Judge Clarisse Gonzales is retiring.

Legal Lowdown: Holland & Hart, Brownstein Add Attorneys Plus the 2nd Judicial District Court Will Get Two New Judges

In case you missed it this week: Holland & Hart and Brownstein added a partner and of counsel respectively to Denver offices. Also, two new judges will replace retiring judges in the 2nd Judicial District Court.

Brownstein’s Sloane Whelan Joins the Board of a Local Nonprofit, Judge Appointments Made for 13th, 21st Judicial District Courts

In case you missed it this week: Brownstein Senior Policy Advisor Sloane Whelan joined the board for Focus Points Family Resource Center. Also, Gov. Jared Polis made judicial appointments for the 13th and 21st Judicial Districts.

Legal Lowdown: Womble Bond Dickinson Adds One, Judicial Branch Selects Nominess for Court of Appeals Vacancy

In case you missed it this week: Womble Bond Dickinson added one, and three nominees were selected to replace Colorado Court of Appeals Judge Anthony Navarro who decided not to stand for retention this year.

New Colorado Supreme Court chief justice optimistic about judicial culture improvements

Márquez said the branch is in “a period of significant transition” as the branch has seen high turnover at all levels, including judicial clerks, probation staff and judicial officers.

Gov. Polis Appoints Anthony Baca to La Plata County Court

Polis appointed Judge Anthony Baca to the La Plata County Court in the 6th Judicial District, effective immediately.