Tag:colorado court opinion summaries

Court Opinions: Colorado Supreme Court Rules an Electric Company Can Charge Customers Higher Rates

The state Supreme Court found an energy company could charge a customer a higher rate to cover its own costs during a cold snap.

Court Opinions: Colorado Supreme Court Rules in a Pair of Cases That Wells-Yates Didn’t Announce New Substantive Rules of Constitutional Law

In two companion cases, the state’s high court determined its procedural new constitutional rules in Wells-Yates can’t be applied retroactively to other cases.

Court Opinion: Colorado Supreme Court Finds a Right to Jury Trial in FED-Possession Cases

In forcible entry and detainer cases, the state Supreme Court found Colorado Rule of Civil Procedure 338(a) and the FED statute confer a right to a jury trial regarding factual disputes.

Court Opinion: PDJ Disbars Attorney After Finding She Continued an Immigration Practice While Under Suspension

Colorado’s PDJ disbarred an attorney after disciplinary authorities discovered multiple times she practiced law while she was suspended for six months in 2023.