Tag:Colorado Constitution

When Statutes Collide

The torch has passed to the Colorado Supreme Court to settle an apparent conflict in both case law and statute about the question of...

Court of Appeals Judge Suspended Pending Misconduct Investigation

The Colorado Supreme Court has suspended Court of Appeals Judge Laurie Booras while the Commission on Judicial Discipline investigates a complaint against her. Based...

Court Opinions- Mar 26, 2018

People v. Washam Prosecutors charged James Washam with 12 counts of sexual assault on a child. In the information, a portion of the charged date...

Amendment 71 Ruled Unconstitutional

A federal district court ruling last month deemed part of Colorado’s “Raise the Bar” amendment unconstitutional. Amendment 71, which was passed by a 55...

Directing the Flow of Funds

The Colorado Supreme Court last week gave the final word in a case involving Planned Parenthood, which questioned whether the state “indirectly” funded abortion...