Tag:Colorado Chamber of Commerce

Measure Changing Tort Damage Limits Awaits Governor’s Signature

House Bill 24-1472 passed two days after it was introduced and changes the damage limits for certain tort actions in Colorado.

The Colorado Legal Reform Alliance Works to Improve the State’s Business Climate

The Colorado Legal Reform Alliance works to bring law firms together with businesses to improve the state’s business climate.

Spencer Fane, Snell & Wilmer Announce New Attorneys, Colorado Chamber of Commerce Releases 2024 Legislative Agenda

Spencer Fane LLP and Snell & Wilmer announced new attorneys; the Colorado Chamber of Commerce released its legislative agenda for 2024 and Colorado Bar Foundation celebrates its 70th year of service.

Judicial Districts Announce Vacancies, Buchalter Expands Denver Office

The 9th and 10th Judicial Districts announced district court vacancies, Buchalter added two shareholders to its Denver office and more.

Colorado Attorney General Holds ‘Final Steps’ Hearing For Upcoming Data Privacy Law

Officials with the AG's Office said the hearing is one of the final steps in the process to finalize the implementation of CPA.

Lawmakers Hear Testimony on Colorado False Claims Act from AG, Business Groups

AG Phil Weiser and business community representatives testified about the proposed Colorado False Claims Act at the state capitol on Tuesday.

After Years of Failures at the Capitol, Paid Family Leave Headed for Ballot

For the past six years, Democratic state lawmakers have tried and failed to pass a paid family and medical leave bill. Now Colorado voters...

Pandemic Has Spotlighted Inequities for Working Women

Why has COVID-19’s economic damage disproportionately harmed women of color? And what role does childcare play in an equitable reopening of the economy? Several...