Sept. 14 Symposium Tackles Attorney Well-Being

Lawyers gathered virtually and in person Sept. 14 for a symposium hosted by CBA CLE on well-being in the legal profession.

A Look at Secondary Trauma and Criminal Law

Secondary trauma has been seen in lawyers, judges, jurors and legal professionals and there are resources available to help.

Task Force Issues Recommendations on Attorney Well-Being

The Colorado Supreme Court Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being issued a final report last week offering recommendations to address physical and mental health problems that plague attorneys, judges and law students and build a more sustainable culture in the legal industry.

Solo and Small Firms Have Options for Connection, Support and Camaraderie

In the months since the start of the pandemic, trials have been postponed, court operations halted, and in-person interactions have dropped to a minimum....

Attorneys in Quarantine Face Stress in Health, Personal and Professional Life

As the COVID-19 pandemic brings rapid changes to everyone’s way of life, the legal world is facing almost daily shifts in work and home...

The Therapist Down the Hall

Off in a corner of Hogan Lovells’ Denver office, there’s a small conference room reserved for Dr. Rob Rosenthal. During his weekly visits, attorneys...

A Topic Worth Stressing

Lawyer assistance organizations are hoping to spark conversation about a problem that all practicing attorneys experience but few openly discuss. On Wednesday, the Colorado Attorney...

When Trauma Follows You Home

Legal practice can be stressful enough on its own, but for family attorneys and others who regularly deal in traumatic situations, it can take...