Tag:Batson v. Kentucky

Court Opinions: Colorado Supreme Court Rules Juror Substitution Midway Through Criminal Trial Didn’t Warrant Reversal

The state Supreme Court also reviewed the appeals court’s decision in Clark v. People, finding an erroneous denial of a juror challenge for cause wasn’t structural because the trial court acted in good faith and the juror didn’t end up serving on the jury.

Ray Ojeda Resentenced for 1997 Attack on 15-Year-Old Girl

After the Denver DA’s Office reached a plea agreement with Ray Ojeda in August, he was resentenced this week to 96 years.

Lawmakers Toss Jury Selection Bias Issue Back to Judicial Branch

Lawmakers killed a bill on implicit bias in jury selection, giving the judicial branch another chance at addressing the issue.

Supreme Court Finds Latino Juror Improperly Dismissed Due to Race in Rape, Shooting Case

The Colorado Supreme Court on Feb. 14 concluded a trial court should not have dismissed a Latino juror in a 2015 rape and shooting case.