Tag:attorney regulation

Court Opinions: Presiding Disciplinary Judge Opinion for May 2

Colorado’s disciplinary judge suspended an attorney after he filed a letter with confidential client information in a public court filing.

Court Opinion: Presiding Disciplinary Judge Opinion for April 20

On April 20, the Presiding Disciplinary Judge suspended an already suspended attorney for continuing to practice law during a suspension.

Court Opinions: Presiding Disciplinary Judge Opinions for April 13, 14, 17

The Presiding Disciplinary Judge suspended one attorney, imposed reciprocal discipline on another and publicly censured a third.

Court Opinions: Presiding Disciplinary Judge Opinion for April 6

A former El Paso County public defender was suspended following their guilty plea of posting a private image for harassment.

Court Opinions: Presiding Disciplinary Judge Opinion for March 30

Colorado’s Presiding Disciplinary Judge suspended an attorney for three years following his removal from a client’s domestic relations case.

ABA Releases Model Rule Addressing Jurisdiction of Attorney Regulation Authorities

The ABA ethics committee addressed ABA Model Rule 8.5 and clarified the jurisdiction of attorney regulation authorities.

Court Opinions: Presiding Disciplinary Judge Opinion for Feb. 14, March 20

Colorado’s Presiding Disciplinary Judge suspended two attorneys, Michael Yi and Andrew Newell, effective April 15 and April 24 respectively.

Court Opinions: Presiding Disciplinary Judge Opinion for March 15

Colorado’s Presiding Disciplinary Judge on March 15 suspended an attorney and ordered her to pay $4,000 in restitution.