Tag:Attorney Regulation Counsel

Court Opinion: New York Attorney Disbarred in Colorado

Colorado’s presiding disciplinary judge disbarred the attorney for abandoning three vulnerable immigration clients and for later falsifying bank records ahead of a disciplinary investigation, according to the opinion.

Colorado Bar Exam Returns In-Person With COVID Precautions

The February Colorado Bar Exam will be held in person next week, the first in-person bar exam since July 2020.

Colorado Supreme Court Will Repeat Online Bar Exam in July

Colorado held its first-ever remotely administered bar exam in February, and for bar administrators, the exam worked well enough to be repeated in July....

Licensed Paralegal Professionals: Non-Attorneys in the Courtroom?

By 2020, a handful of states across the country have taken different steps to allow non-attorneys to offer legal services to clients in certain...

Anatomy of Colorado’s Legal Deserts

Denver County alone has about 42% of the state’s active attorneys, according to registration data obtained from the Colorado Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel....

Colorado and ABA Unveil Results of Efforts to Collect Lawyer Data

At the local and national level, the legal profession is upping efforts to paint a better picture of who attorneys are, the regions where...

New Rule Lends Guidance on Flat Fees

Colorado lawyers might have a little more confidence in how they execute flat fee agreements now that the Colorado Supreme Court has officially weighed...

Starting at the Beginning

The topic of increasing diversity and inclusiveness has become a top-of-mind issue in Colorado’s legal profession over the past few years. And the new...