Tag:Americans with Disabilities Act

Failure-to-Accommodate Claim Must Show Adverse Action, 10th Circuit Says

Failure-to-accommodate claims often arise because an employee can’t perform essential job duties due to a disability and the employer fires that employee as a...

Court Opinions- Oct 15, 2018

Vreeland v. Zupart Delmart Vreeland II sought relief in federal district court alleging that the state trial court violated his Sixth Amendment right to counsel...

Disabled Employee Wins Case Against Airline Employer

Editor’s Note: This is the first of three articles spotlighting CTLA Case of the Year Award nominees. Others will be included in upcoming issues...

Bill to Slow ‘Drive-By Lawsuits’ Passes U.S. House

A proposed amendment to the Americans with Disabilities Act intends to give businesses more leeway in fixing public accommodation violations on their premises. A congressional...

Court Opinions- Feb 19, 2018

Burton v. Colorado Access  Olivar v. Public Service Employee Credit Union Long Term Disability Plan  Caroline Burton and Brenda Olivar submitted claims for long-term disability benefits...

Time’s Up for Employer Complacency

According to a 2016 report from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 75 percent of people who experience harassment in the workplace don’t report to...