Tag:Administrative Procedure Act

WOTUS Odyssey, Part I: Supreme Court Creates Confusion Over Waters of the U.S. Reach

The EPA and Army Corps of Engineers will soon attempt again to clarify the reach of their regulatory power over U.S. waterways.

Federal District Judge Holds Up Public Lands Oil and Gas Leasing Pause

A Louisiana federal judge blocked the Biden administration’s effort to impose a lull on public land and offshore oil and gas leasing.

Federal Court Fights Over Fossil Fuel Leasing Pause Near Crescendo

Two federal courts will soon decide whether to block President Joe Biden’s move to hold up federal oil and gas leasing.

Court Opinions- Mar 01, 2021

People v. Forgette Elliott Forgette appealed a conviction and sentence for burglary. The appeal presents an issue of juror inattentiveness — namely, whether a juror’s...

Expanded Setbacks Dominate Oil and Gas Rulemaking

The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission on Sept. 28 voted on a “preliminary final” set of industry safety rules as part of the...

Right Before Recess

Altitude Express Inc. v. Zarda, R.G. and G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia Announced June 15 According...

The Open Meetings Law, Life Insurance, a TABOR Repeal and Planned Parenthood in One Session

The state Supreme Court finishes its session on June 30, and decisions will also slow to a trickle until September. Most of the court’s...

Colorado Sues Federal Government over Clean Water Act Rule

Colorado on May 22 sued the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers over a new federal government rule the state...