Tag:4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

US Supreme Court Rules Preponderance of Evidence Standard Applies for FLSA Exemptions

The nation’s high court held in a different unanimous opinion that when a plaintiff amends a complaint to delete federal-law claims, leaving only state-law claims behind, the case must be remanded to state court.

Appellate Roundup: Recent Decisions by Federal Appeals Courts Address Abortion, Public Nudity, State Ban on Cooperation with U.S. Immigration Authorities

This roundup of some significant recent decisions from appeals courts around the nation highlights opinions on issues that may have national importance.

Federal Appeals Court, in Scrutinized Hydroelectric Facility Case, Orders FERC Caution Before Agency Finds State Water Quality Authority Waiver

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled July 2 that FERC improperly determined N.C. waived its right to set water quality for the Haw River.