Tag:10th Circuit

10th Circuit Hears Arguments in LGBT Discrimination Case

The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals on Nov. 16 heard a First Amendment challenge to the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act that takes up many of...

10th Circuit Hears Case on First Amendment and LGBT Discrimination

The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday will hear oral arguments in a case that, like the Masterpiece Cakeshop lawsuit, involves a Colorado...

10th Circuit Says Colorado OARC Can Discipline Out-of-Staters

In a recent opinion, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals held that an attorney was still subject to Colorado’s practice requirements — and disciplinary action...

10th Circuit: IRS Can Audit Marijuana Information

In one of several cases over the past years surrounding the Internal Revenue Service’s ability to investigate and impose tax consequences on marijuana-related business...

10th Circuit Revives TABOR Challenge

The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday granted en banc review of a case that could nullify the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights.  The case,...

Up and Coming Lawyers 2020: Julian Ellis

As a boy, Julian Ellis would study footage from the high school football games his father coached. From age five or six, Ellis took...

Denver Partner Named to Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner Leadership

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner announced Tuesday that Denver-based corporate partner Sean Odendahl was appointed as the firm’s chief transformation officer.  The appointment was made alongside...

10th Circuit Decides Water Rights Case 400 Years in the Making

In ruling on a 37-year-old case, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals examined over 200 years of law dealing with the sovereignty of three...