Tag:10th Circuit Court of Appeals

Court Opinion: 10th Circuit Orders Lower Court to Reconsider Case Involving Employee Self-Defense

The 10th Circuit vacated the district court’s summary judgment against an employee who violated a company’s shoplifting policy.

Court Opinion: PDJ Disbars Attorney in Reciprocal Discipline Case

Colorado’s Presiding Disciplinary Judge disbarred an attorney for dishonestly converting client funds for his own use and borrowing money from another client without complying with the required safeguards.

Court Opinion: 10th Circuit Concludes a Builder’s Risk Insurance Policy in a Construction Error Case Required Actual Loss

The 10th Circuit found that in this case, the insurance policy didn’t allow for the party to recover for another party’s loss.

Court Opinion: 10th Circuit Overrules Shillinger v. Haworth

The 10th Circuit held that a Sixth Amendment violation of confidential communication with an attorney required the defendant to show prejudice.

Court Opinion: 10th Circuit Reverses Declaratory Judgment Against Blue Cross, Finds Ambiguity in Insurance Coverage Policy

The 10th Circuit found an insurance policy Blue Cross and Blue Shield purchased appeared to cover and exclude the same claims.

Court Opinion: 10th Circuit Rules Student Does Have Standing to Sue School COVID-19 Mask Mandate Punishments

The 10th Circuit reversed the district court’s dismissal of a lawsuit from a student who was punished for defying her school’s mask mandate.

10th Circuit Joins List of Appeals Courts Limiting Certain Appellate Jurisdiction

Spencer Fane partner Jacob Hollars explains a recent 10th Circuit opinion that explored appellate jurisdiction — and its limitations in the state.

Court Opinions: 10th Circuit Affirms Fraudulent Transfer Judgment in Ponzi Scheme Case

The 10th Circuit found the district court didn’t err in its fraudulent transfer judgment against a couple that invested in a Ponzi scheme.