The Lawyer’s Role and Duties – Webinar
VirtualFrom event organizers: Co-sponsored by the Financial Institutions Subsection, Colorado Bar Association Business Law Section 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Co-sponsored by the Financial Institutions Subsection, Colorado Bar Association Business Law Section 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Law Practice Management (LPM) Webinars 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Law Practice Management (LPM) Webinars 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: 303-860-0608 7 CLE Credit
From event organizers: 303-860-0608 8 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Combining in-depth conceptual analysis with practice in a broad range of jurisdictions, this book answers two important questions: what devices courts should use to exercise deference, and […]
From event organizers: Attendance is Limited! Register Today! 303-860-0608 40 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Law Practice Management (LPM) Webinars 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Co-sponsored by the Family Law Section of the Colorado Bar Association 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Co-Sponsored by the Colorado Bar Association Trust and Estate Section CBA CLE East Classroom 1290 Broadway #1700 Denver, CO 80203 8 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Co-sponsored by the M&A Subsection of the CBA Business Law Section 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Co-Sponsored by the Trust & Estate Section of the Colorado Bar Association 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
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