Moneyball for Lawyers: Using Data to Build a Major League Practice – Webinar
VirtualFrom event organizers: Law Practice Management (LPM) Webinars 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Law Practice Management (LPM) Webinars 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Co-sponsored by the Financial Institutions Subsection, Colorado Bar Association Business Law Section 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Join us for an opportunity for CWBA members to hear from judicial leadership about topics important to you. CWBA members will also have the chance to ask questions. Speakers: Colorado Court of Appeals Chief Judge Gilbert Román will lead the discussion, along with Judge Jaclyn Brown and Polly Brock.
From event organizers: Co-sponsored by the Colorado Bar Association Litigation Section 303-860-0608 6 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Co-sponsored by the M&A Subsection of the CBA Business Law Section 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organziers: Featuring the Handbook for Colorado Wrongful Death Law, Fifth Edition 303-860-0608 5 CLE Credit
From event organizers: 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: This session will provide an in-depth analysis of recent legislative developments related to construction defect reform in Colorado. Participants will review the key components of last year’s […]
From event organizers: SCOTUS's 2024 Term - featuring Phillip J. Weiser 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: The only all-day ethics program designed specifically for Colorado in-house counsel. ACC Colorado's 18th annual all-day ethics for in-house counsel will be offered in-person only. Registration is […]
From event organizers: Sponsored by the Colorado Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers; Powered by CBA-CLE 303-860-0608 8 CLE Credit
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