Basics of Drafting Commercial Loan Documents and Common Pitfalls to Avoid – Webinar
VirtualFrom event organizers: Co-sponsored by the Financial Institutions Subsection, Colorado Bar Association Business Law Section 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Co-sponsored by the Financial Institutions Subsection, Colorado Bar Association Business Law Section 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Channah Norman, Co-Chair of Shook's Art Law Practice, will present a CLE on hot topics in art law followed by a private viewing of the new, upcoming […]
The vision behind this conference is to revive a once-regular mid-year event that focused on the pivotal role of women in the legal academy, exploring how gender identity, particularly in […]
From event organizers: Exploring the Impact of Colorado Criminal Convictions and Entering Canada 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Co sponsored by the Colorado Bar Association Workers' Compensation Section 7 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Friday, October 18, 2024, 5:30 PM Mountain Time (MST) - 8:00 PM Mountain Time (MST) EARLY RELEASE ONLY - Commit to sponsoring the Annual Scholarship Gay-la and get […]
From event organizers: Law Practice Management (LPM) Webinars 303-860-0608 1 CLE Credit
From event organizers: 303-860-0608 2 CLE Credit
From event organizers: Co-sponsored by the Colorado Bar Association Immigration Law Section 303-860-0608 7 CLE Credit
From event organizers: A phone call or notice from the government is seldom a bearer of good news, often signaling potential legal challenges, investigations, or regulatory issues that could have serious implications for your business. In such moments, it’s crucial for your company and legal team to act swiftly and strategically to mitigate risks and […]
From event organizers: Chief U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael E. Hegarty will speak about attorney professionalism he has observed in 19 years on the bench, and how various lawyer conduct, presentation techniques, and courtroom attitudes influence a judge’s perception and perhaps even affect outcomes, including both in the courtroom and during settlement conferences.
From event organizers: Enhancing Effectiveness through Inclusion and Fresh Perspectives 303-860-0608 7 CLE Credit
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