
Christopher Ligori

How Long Does a Car Settlement Take?

If you need to file a claim after a car accident — knowing how long it may take can help you plan accordingly.
Caleena Braig

Preparing to Meet OSHA’s EST Rulings Pending Court Ruling on Constitutionality

On Nov. 4, OSHA issued an Emergency Temporary Standard requiring qualifying employers to either require workers to get the COVID-19 vaccine or require weekly testing and face coverings.
Nick M. DeWeese and Peter G. Koclanes

Landmark Jury Verdict Sends Clear Message on Raiding Company Business and Personnel

An August jury trial between a regional distributor and a global manufacturer alleged corporate raiding and breach of fiduciary duty.

When Should You Return to Work After a Workers Comp Claim?

Injured workers may want to return to work as quickly as possible after they get better but when is the best time — legally?
Kelsey Johnson

International Child Abduction Pro Bono Case Poses Unique Challenge for Local Firm

DGS took pro bono representation of a Romanian Hague Convention case through a referral from the Hague Convention Attorney Network.
Charles Luce

It’s Open Season on Soliciting Business Owners

An extraordinary thing happened to the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct six months before everyone was ordered home to their COVID-19 bunkers: the prohibition on soliciting potential business clients was virtually abolished.

Midyear Updates for Colorado’s Workplaces

As summer 2021 comes to a close, there have been a number of compliance-related updates — even beyond COVID-19-related changes — to Colorado’s employment laws that employers across industries should be aware of.

Supreme Court Expands Private Property Rights Against Government Regulation

In a victory for private property owners, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that a California law requiring agricultural landowners to give union organizers temporary access to their property was a government taking that automatically entitled the landowners to compensation.

District Court Denies Plaintiff of Colorado’s Equal Pay Law

Last week, the district court denied a plaintiff's Equal Pay Law request in Rocky Mountain Association of Recruiters v. Moss.
Jaycey DeHoyos

Appeal Permanent Orders or Move to Modify Parenting? Recent Legislation Says You Can Do...

Colorado lawmakers overturned a state Supreme Court decision — now district courts retain continuous jurisdiction to hear motions to modify.