Anatomy of an Outside Investigation
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In ideal circumstances, companies have a culture where sexual...
IAALS Releases Report on Judicial Discipline
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“A wholly effective system with no transparency and no...
ACLU, County Sheriff Embroiled in ‘ICE Hold’ Battle
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In recent years, Colorado county sheriffs have largely declined...
NFL Halts New Anthem Policy to Come to Compromise With Players Union
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The NFL sparked the latest wave of controversy over...
AG Candidates Release First Post-Primary Financial Reports
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Coming off a narrow primary victory at the end...
Is the Endangered Species Act Endangered?
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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Oceanic...
North Dakota Files Claim Against USACE for Expenses During DAPL Demonstrations
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The state of North Dakota has filed notice of...
Report Finds Link Between Weaker Due Process and Higher Homicide Rates
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When a nation’s citizens have faith in their justice...
The Supreme Court: 229 Years, 163 Nominations
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Congress is readying itself for a partisan confirmation fight...
Deadline Looms for Family Separation Cases
Law Week -
During the past two months, the U.S. government has...