Colorado River Basin’s Largest Users Look to Conservation Strategies While Negotiators Work on Future...
With the Colorado River Basin facing an uncertain future, farmers, ranchers and municipal water managers look to various water conservation strategies to reduce and maximize their water usage.
Federal Judge Blocks FTC Noncompete Ban, Finds Agency Lacked Authority
Judge Ada Brown of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas found that the FTC exceeded its authority with the noncompete ban and that the rule was arbitrary and capricious.
New Colorado Supreme Court chief justice optimistic about judicial culture improvements
Márquez said the branch is in “a period of significant transition” as the branch has seen high turnover at all levels, including judicial clerks, probation staff and judicial officers.
Colorado AG weighs formal role as Supreme Court reviews oil-train case
Proposed Uinta Basin rail project in Utah could result in surge of hazardous shipments along Colorado River
Denver County Court Receives $1 Million Grant from the Caring for Denver Foundation
Law Week -
The grant will be awarded over a two-year period and spread across five of the Denver County Court’s speciality programs.
Giovanni Sanchez of Bartlit Beck Recounts the Trial Leading to an $847 Million Patent...
In a five day-trial, the Bartlit Beck team convinced a federal jury that Verizon had violated two of General Access’s patents to the tune of $847 million.
Biden urges term limits for U.S. Supreme Court justices, new ethics rules
Before he leaves the Oval Office in January, President Joe Biden wants to see Congress take up a constitutional amendment restoring criminal liability for U.S. presidents in response to the recent Supreme Court decision granting the chief executive broad immunity.
Colorado Attorneys Examine the Implications of Recent Appellate Court Decisions
Local attorneys told Law Week about the impact some of the state’s recent appellate decisions will have on the legal landscape in Colorado.
Attorneys Involved in Supreme Court Rulings Discuss the Recent Term’s Impacts, Implications
Several attorneys representing clients in front of the Supreme Court told Law Week about what the recent decisions mean for regulatory, housing, insurance, employment and copyright law.
ABA Warns Attorneys About AI Disclosures in New Ethics Opinion
The ABA’s ethics committee released Opinion 512 focused on generative artificial intelligence tools for attorneys and firms.