
What Will be the Future of Pretrial Assessment?

There are many tools across the country used to assess pretrial risk for criminal defendants. In Colorado, multiple counties take part in what is...

The Weaponization of Discord

Research has shown a deep divide among Americans over their opinions about this summer’s protests of deaths of Black people at the hands of...

Elections Case Grows from Boulder’s Historic Housing Practices, Heads to Supreme Court

A group of Boulder citizens are going to the Colorado Supreme Court with a legal fight over housing restrictions and confusion about election petitions...

Mayor, Immigrant Stakeholders Talk Future of Legal Defense Fund

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock on Aug. 25 met with representatives from the Denver Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs and clients and awardees of...

Fox Rothschild Adds Seven

Fox Rothschild announced Wednesday that the firm’s Denver office added Nikki Howell, Steven Moore, Stacy Mueller and Heidi Wilbur as partners; Jill Moenius and...

Office of Public Guardianship Discusses Barriers to Ward Appointments

The Office of Public Guardianship monthly meeting on Aug. 26  showed the pilot office at a crossroads in structuring its operations.  The OPG has run...

Trump’s ‘Tax Holiday’ Faces Confusing Start Due to Lack of Guidance

It has been nearly three weeks since President Donald Trump issued a presidential memorandum allowing the deferral of certain payroll tax obligations. Since then,...

Dedicated to Innovation: Innovation Teams Allow Law Firms to Look at the Big Picture

“Innovation” seems to be a buzzword in every industry, but relatively few law firms have made innovation a full-time job. Bloomberg Law reported last year...

Legal Tech Startups Focus on Platform Development Amid Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated some industries, but leaders of two legal technology startups say the economic downturn has had a glimmer of a...

Students have over $1 million in loans cancelled by Colorado AG

The Art Institute of Colorado students defrauded by the corporate owner Dream Center Education Holdings were returned over $66,000 by Colorado Attorney General Phil...