
Attorneys Discuss New Developments in Discrimination Law

Sherman & Howard on Sept. 17 hosted a talk, “New Developments in Discrimination Law,” as part of its L&E Live series, a five-week virtual...

Ramping Up Diversity During a Recession

During tough economic times, diversity and inclusion initiatives aren’t always a top priority for law firms and legal departments. But it’s especially important for...

Attorney General Campaign Uncovers Loophole in State Law

A district attorney campaign in Colorado’s 18th Judicial District has highlighted an apparent blind spot in Colorado’s campaign finance laws and regulations. Democratic candidate Amy...
Dean James Anaya

CU Law Implements Multifaceted Anti-Racism Initiative

National attention on racial justice brought on by deaths of Black people at the hands of law enforcement has prompted calls for systemic change...
Colorado Supreme Court

What’s the Future For Limited Legal Liability Technicians?

Editor's Note: This article was updated on Sept. 17 to remove a comment that misconstrued the status of Colorado's limited license legal technician program....
Chief Justice Nathan Coats

After Decades of Service, Chief Justice Nathan Coats Required to Retire

Having served the Colorado Supreme Court since 2000, and as the Chief Justice for the past two, Nathan Coats has led the Colorado’s judicial...
DU Covid

Law Students Back on Campus

School is back in session at Colorado’s law schools, which includes a return to at least partial in-person instruction after an abrupt switch to...

IAALS Launches Nationwide Survey on People’s Everyday Justice Problems

Financial resources aren’t the only factor in determining whether people seek out a lawyer for their justice problems, and people who have the ability...

After Years of Failures at the Capitol, Paid Family Leave Headed for Ballot

For the past six years, Democratic state lawmakers have tried and failed to pass a paid family and medical leave bill. Now Colorado voters...
Frontier Airplane

Attorney General Asks for USDOT Investigation of Frontier

Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser announced Aug. 1 he has requested the Department of Transportation investigate Frontier Airlines for how it has handled flight...