
DEA Hemp Rule Raises Questions About Compliance

The release of a new interim final rule on hemp from the Drug Enforcement Administration in August has caused some concern within the hemp...

Coming Soon: On Your Statewide Ballot

Legislature-Referred Measures Amendment B: Repeal Gallagher Amendment Summary: Repeal the amendment to Colorado’s Constitution that requires tax revenues from residential and commercial properties to make up the...

Polis Pardons Pot Convictions

With the signing of an executive order on Oct. 1, Governor Jared Polis granted pardons to over 2,000 people who were convicted of possessing...
Oil Rigs

Expanded Setbacks Dominate Oil and Gas Rulemaking

The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission on Sept. 28 voted on a “preliminary final” set of industry safety rules as part of the...

Licensed Paralegal Professionals: Non-Attorneys in the Courtroom?

By 2020, a handful of states across the country have taken different steps to allow non-attorneys to offer legal services to clients in certain...
Dancing with the Denver Stars

For Wellness, Lawyers Look to Stay Light on Their Feet

In 2016, Polsinelli shareholders Colleen Faddick and Bruce Johnson attended Dancing with the Denver Stars, a charity event they had learned about from a...
Colorado Court of Appeals

Supreme Court Considers ALJ Authority

The Colorado Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday in a case that could affect the process state employees face when their cases go before...
Water Markets

The Muddy Waters of WOTUS

The legal protection of waters throughout the U.S. is a murky and seemingly ever-changing flow of rules, decisions and changes.  Since the passage of the...

Personal Injury and Insurance

The legal world of personal injury and insurance law has experienced a shift over the past few months. With the onset of COVID-19, a...

Best Lawyers’ ‘Lawyers of the Year’ Share Secrets of Success

The Lawyer of the Year distinction from Best Lawyers recognizes attorneys with the highest overall feedback from peers in each practice area. Attorneys in...